Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Messaging and care coordination for high efficiency procedural environments.
Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Outpatient procedural areas operate on razor thin profit margins. Fast Pathway provides affordable solutions that improve workflow efficiencies, reputation scores, and patient satisfaction.
Secure Communicator
HIPAA compliant, secure, versatile, and simple for patients, staff and providers to use. No app downloads are required to use Fast Pathway’s products ensuring a frictionless deployment and high adoption rate with little to no onboarding requirements.
Deployable Links
High efficiency centers that have rapid turnover can benefit from Secure Communicators deployable links that send post operative care instructions, EHR portal links to make follow up appointments, and payment portals to satisfy outstanding account debt.
Reputation and Ratings
Empower your marketing department with solutions that directly influence social media platforms, online reviews including Google, Healthgrades, and Yelp.
Nurses, Staff & Provider Satisfaction
Provide your staff and providers tools that improve their work environment. Fast Pathway’s tools improve patient satisfaction resulting in a better work environment. Workflow efficiencies save time for other critical tasks. Satisfied patients and less administrative work make nurses, staff, and providers happier. This in turn has the potential of reducing burnout and improving retention rates.